Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Peta wants Turkey-less Thanksgiving.

Really peta? I think Peta should ask themselves "should we have killed 85% of the "rescued" animals that we have taken in since 1998?" Not to mention it's pretty funny that there's a chicken broth advertisement on the left of the page with the article...

OK, I have no problem with vegans or not eating meat. Personally, I don't eat it a whole lot. Didn't grow up eating it, didn't have a steak until two years ago (it was good but much harder to eat than I expected) , and I rarely make it for myself...I just like veggies better...but I've always had a problem with Peta. First of all, they have MANY MANY MANY questionable practices including the euthanasia of over 17000 animals since 1998, (http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2008/04/27/peta-and-euthanasia.html), and supporting radical animal-rights groups. Plus the fact that meat and animal products are an essential part of a HUGE percentage of people's diets, including an important part in the development of kids. I've always had an aversion to advertising against things that are completely normal and healthy parts of diets.

Also, I've always thought that directing advertisements that contain political messages towards kids is lazy, problematic and a little immoral. You are advertising to people that are very impressionable for the sole purpose of making them agree with you because of that...they are playing off the naivety of kids and that is a bit despicable. Tell them that eating turkeys is the same as killing their family pet and they will listen...reminds me of when our priest used to come to class and say that if we didn't tell our parents to take us to church, we were all going to hell...

If you are against the practices used in animal raising then that's one thing, protest that...but using a shock tactic to frighten kids into hating meat is a bit over the top to me.

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