Sunday, March 31, 2013


Get a closer look at a recent piece, Blockhead. from daniel fleming

faces and/or footprints?

A new piece...title to come...faces and/or footprints?


Check out some close-ups of some recent work on a piece...

New Work...In Progress...

A new piece in-progress from a little bit of a work over the last couple days...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Meteorite from Mercury?

A green meteorite found in Morocco last year may be the first ever discovered that came from our solar system's inner most planet, Mercury. The evidence is not definitive, but scientists say the rock's makeup is unlike anything they've ever seen before and matches what many believe would be found on the smallest planet. Take a look...

Lost Tombs.

Lost Tombs.
Acrylic, Pastel and Pencil on Canvas.

North Korea Readies Rockets.

Following the test flights of two nuclear-capable US Stealth bombers, North Korean officials say that they have put rockets on standby, ready to attack US military installations in South Korea...take a look.

What's In A Whale?

How do the largest and most intelligent animals view their world?

Believe the Unbelievable.

On the topic of wonderful locations, with a few selects above...

The Most Beautiful Abandoned Places

Take a look at this nice collection of photos featuring spectacular abandoned structures...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Daniel Fleming at MAM After Dark.

Me+You=Collaborative Art @

Scooter Ads Face Criticism from Congress, Doctors.

Scooter ads that depict the elderly living "active" and happy lifestyles are being criticized from a couple angles, mainly arguing that the ads glamorize the use of the scooter as transportation instead ensuring it's use only as a needed medical device. Congressmen have claimed the ads lead to seniors getting scooters through medicare that are not technically eligible (a person is supposed to only get a scooter through the program if they are physically unable to use a can or walker) and doctors have said that the scooters actually lead to the elderly moving less, causing increases in obesity and further exacerbating medical problems. Take a look...

Parsifal and Daniel Fleming Artwork in the Upcoming Mercedes Magazine.

Take a look at the ad that will be featuring a piece of my artwork and will be distributed nationally in the next Mercedes magazine!

and a closer up view of that photo below!

And if you like the looks of that piece...take a look at the link below for a full view...

FBI "Didn't Follow Up" Most Famous UFO Report.

The now famous Hottel UFO document, claiming three 50ft flying saucers with alien bodies had been found, has been seen my millions over the past few years, quickly becoming the crown jewel of government proof of extraterrestrials, at least according to believers. In a statement today though, they are bound to be angered, disappointed, and skeptical to hear that the FBI apparently never followed it up...

Mahon's Controversial Caravaggio

Take a look at the story of Art Scholar Dennis Mahon's Controversial "Caravaggio",  a painting still drumming up questions and anger wherever it goes...

Discovered! (or bought on the cheap and then reattributed)

Sotheby's joins the fun...

Showing in London...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Flapping Jacks. The What.

Making flapjacks is not a risky endeavour.

It's rather's rather mindless...and anyone who can flip something in the air can, basically, succeed....but that's nothing to celebrate...

The ability to do the mundane, no matter how well, is not usually a goal for most people. To succeed at the unspectacular is...well...unspectacular.

Flapping Jacks is a reference to the mundane (making flapjacks) and at the same time, a reference to those that "succeed" in it. The "Jack" in this instance is used to imply the general male (more commonly "john" in american culture) and the "flapping" is the mundane the effect-less action that results in nothing new...the running of mouths...the self-promotion with no real action....

Flapping Jacks, then, are the people who constantly "do", always make sure people are aware of them and their actions, but never accomplish anything actually worth accomplishing...they are the people who save a company money only to reward themselves with a massive bonus larger than the savings...They are the trumpeters of a cause, but only when cameras are present...they are those fighting for the working class until it affects their pocketbook...They are those that support progressive change, but only when an election is near...

Don't be a flapping jack...

Masterpieces of the Natural World.

Take a look at these one-of-a-kind locations...true gems of the natural world...
Masterpieces of the natural world

Flapping Jacks.

Flapping Jacks.
Acrylic, Pastel, Pencil and Charcoal on Canvas.