Monday, April 30, 2012

What's Wrong With The Hobbit?

Initial screenings of the Hobbit are taking place...and the reviews have less to say about the movie and more about how...weird it looks. Director Peter Jackson decided to film the movie at 48 frames per second, double the normal frame rate, and most audiences aren't too happy with the effect...

Some More of Some Small

Here are some rough photos of some work I did over the weekend. I'll get them all polished and colored right tomorrow just to show you more accurately, but I thought I'd at least get some of the photos up was a busy weekend of art.

Max Ernst


Artist of the day, Max Ernst, was a german artist of all media who worked within the surrealist movement, challenging conservative and conventional aspects of life in Europe. I just bought a book about the guy and am just totally taken aback by the images. Take a look and learn a bit about a great artist that most people don't seem to know about...