Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ai WeiWei support

Apparently there is this big petition to have art museums around the globe close on June 12th in support for the Chinese artist Ai Wei Wei who, at that point, will have been detained for 100 days. While I applaud the support and definitely wish for his return, I find this approach pretty off-base. From what I've seen it was the idea of Anish Kapoor (very famous artist) and I'm really disappointed that this is the idea he believes will make a difference.

First of all, I feel like closing museums, generally places that welcome free speech and expression in all its forms,  completely contradicts the idea that they are supporting freedom, activism or free speech. To oppose the suppression of an artist by closing cultural centers that celebrate creativity seems like a completely backwards way of thinking. I mean how ridiculous does this sound: Hey there's this artist who is being oppressed and his free speech was taken away. Let's close the museums which celebrate freedom of expression! Let's oppose suppression by suppressing the history of artistic culture for one day...wha!?!?...huh!?

Secondly, at the Milwaukee art museum, a new exhibit celebrating the culture and diversity of Chinese art is opening soon. Let's oppose chinese suppression by suppressing an exhibit that displays chinese diversity! I understand that the chinese gov. did play some part in the show and so supporting the show in some way supports the gov....but what iis more visible, that we are opposing a chinese art exhibit or that we are opposing the gov? Since the chinese government is in no way advertised, I believe it would seem (to a onlooker) like we are opposed to the show itself....which would seem to be contrary to the real goal.

Thirdly, what is it really doing? I know, as artists, we want to believe that we can get people to believe in what we are saying. We want a picture, movie, sound or act to affect people. In reality, a lot of people standing outside the MAM with the building closed will look like...well a bunch of people standing outside the MAM...Most people will pass it by without a thought, and from the people that stop, only a handful will care enough to join...and from those who join, what good is really being brought about? You can hold "Hands Across America" as many times as you want, but the truth is, it's a show... the second it's over most of those people go back to everyday life and forget whatever it was they were "supporting." Activism shouldnt be standing around "supporting" something, it should be doing something that actually affects it.

Lastly, I really do think that taking the stance of opposition is a fundamentally negative idea. Opposition means you disagree with something. Instead of disagreement, choose agreement. Instead of putting the negative thing that you dislike on such a pedestal, negative or not, why don't you find the opposite and instead, show SUPPORT. Instead of opposing the detainment of Ai Wei Wei, show support by raising money FOR the oppressed. Show films Wei Wei has made to raise awareness about the man himself. Support the work he has been doing for such a long time by giving money to groups that promote art in less free countries. If you really support something, do something that HELPS that thing. The chinese gov. doesn't give a shit about a bunch of activists standing outside of closed museums, but a family in Ethiopia will be thankful if their kids can afford some crayons or an art class.

Basically I think it is a lackadaisical approach to standing up for something. It's a symbol that doesn't accomplish anything, it spreads a bit of awareness, but doesn't make a difference. It takes away a center for cultural diversity when we should be celebrating more than ever. I can't speak for Wei Wei, but if I was imprisoned for my artistic endeavors, the last thing I would want done in my name is for the museums to close...In fact I'd want the opposite. Let's celebrate art, have a free day at all museums with any donations sent to foundations that get it to oppressed people. Let's see what Wei Wei has done, let's learn about the great things accomplished through speaking out in art...

Or I guess we could just shut it all down...ya we are really showing our opposition to the oppression of art for anyone, that'll show them how much we love freedom of expression.

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