Tuesday, December 13, 2011

And the God Particle is.....

...not quite found yet. BUT the good news is that scientists believe they are hot on the trail. Check out the article below to find out exactly what's going on.

Generally, the Higgs Boson particle is believed to be the instigator for why particles have and gain mass. If found, that question of how mass happens would be answered and we could potentially discover why particles have the mass that they do. Furthermore, that discovery then affects many other theories that include the presumed properties of the particle. Now that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me either, but I think it basically levels out to being the particle that causes energy to change into mass. And the properties of that particle lend itself to many other theories, thus sending them back to the drawing board or validating them...

And since that still doesn't make total sense, here's a good layout of the 5 implications of finding the God Particle (or the Higgs Boson particle as its also called to be more PC.)

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