Monday, February 6, 2012

Street Lights

This is a little placement piece that I did last night, letting out my inner minimalist.

I like the idea of minimalism...when it stands out. And I know that seems contradictory...and maybe it is. Maybe I'm calling these minimal when they are actually deserving of a different name. But I really like simple imagery, subtle marks and composition, when it's done on a medium which really calls attention to it. White crayon on a dark surface. Vibrant color on earth-tone objects. A simple line drawing on a big, monochrome surface. I'm not a fan of a white canvas on a white wall, but a black line on a white canvas on a dark wall...and there's something I can get interested in.

Anyways. i think these are a fun outlet for me. Much less stressful, much less important, much less riding on the success of the piece, at least in my mind. It's a place to try out some simpler ideas; a way to get away from painting and work with a new foundation...

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