Monday, July 18, 2011

ART EXPLOSION!!!! #1!!!!

So when I have nothing to do, I paint...a lot...And thus was my weekend of constant paint-covered hands, dripping ink onto my floor, and going to get dinner with paint on my face (the cashier thought I was bleeding from the eye.) order to keep order I am going to seperate my "projects" into a couple different posts today. sooo here goes #1...

Double X

A Brief History of the Universe

Stop Sign

Younger Brother

I did these four at the same time, rotating between the pieces as they dried and completely intend to release them upon milwaukee in the next week. I think it could be really striking, given the right placement, to have something like one of these appear on your normal walk to work or on a stroll around the block. Graffiti has its place, and I've talked about it before, but often, the fact that it is graffiti takes attention away from it. It's almost like a street sign, you just pass it by as something that's always there. These, on the other hand, hopefully stand out as individual objects, deliberately placed, meant to catch your attention. Anyways, I think this format lends itself very well to "placing" art around the city. It's big enough to see, doesn't destroy anything, and is small enough that someone could have wall space to put it up, which would be the ultimate goal.

So if you see any of thse around the city, feel free to take them and put them in your house. More will be coming, and hopefully they can find a good home...enjoy

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