Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Reflection On The Overpass Made Me Wonder Where It Led

I haven't had a ton of time to work on painting this parents are in town (hello mom and dad fleming) and I don't think I've seen them since the new year, so we've been catching up a bit...but in true Daniel fashion, I still managed to work on a piece last night for a little while. 

A Reflection On The Overpass Made Me Wonder Where It Led is a piece that I did last night and is definitely the most representational piece I've done in a while. While at first it may seem like a simple bold design, in fact, it's an overpass leading to the bridge down by the Summerfest grounds. When I drove past it yesterday, the sun hit at such an angle that the concrete became illuminated, radiating light to the point where everything around it became shaded figures, dark lines, and abstract patterns. The bright yellow reflection was stunning, hard to turn away yet painful to look at, and it created this surreal, ethereal if, for a moment, the overpass became something new, something never before seen. As if our dimensions had shifted and we were seeing a hidden dimension. 

It was one of those moments I hope my art creates. Where the imagery strikes you in ways unforeseen, where you are taken to a reality that is separate from the realms of the mundane....I want my art to build an alternate reality, and to alter the reality of what we see, feel, and do everyday.

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