Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Designating The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Do you voice your opinion about art or simply nod, letting whomever is leading the conversation dictate "truth"? Take a look at the story below, where an art museum actually asks for the publics' opinion on what they should keep in their collection...

I think it's great. Art viewing, for the most part, has become a rather sterile event. You read the wall text or the tag. You might seek out the artist, if you're motivated and comfortable. But most float through the gallery space, judging art on the basis of "like" and "don't like" not even realizing that nothing is resolved through that. You may not have really understood the may not have known there was something to might like how it looks but hate the message or the other way around...but how would you know?

You shouldn't just accept what the wall or even the artist tells should take it into consideration on your path to understand YOUR perspective on the work. Don't like it because a critic tells you to...don't ignore it because your friends think it's weird...don't say it's important because the artist was a nice guy...

Get involved in your art viewing...have a real opinion.

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