Thursday, May 30, 2013

30 Americans. A Review.

In my quest to understand what this exhibit is trying to say about the artists and their work's relation to race, I ran across an interesting review of the exhibit, seen at a previous location, from the Washington Post. Obviously, I can't prove or disprove anything this review says (it's relatively critical),  but I was happy to see that others have questioned exactly what the show says, or isn't saying, about race and how it has affected these "30 Artists." Take a look...,1180371/critic-review.html

And another that brings up similar questions...

Despite the reviews' assertion of certain shortcomings, I'm very excited to see the show. There are some big name artists with some fantastic work...but I also am interested to see what, if any, sense of understanding I get from viewing the work. Is it a narrative or a display of a lack of narrative?  Is there a grouping or did the show prove this grouping doesn't work? Is it a show of african-american artwork or is it a show that proves "african-american artwork" isn't really a definable thing?

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