Thursday, September 22, 2011

You might not have done it simply "because you were drunk"

A new study poses the question "Is 'I was drunk' a fair excuse?"

The study basically, through a series of tests, says that drunk people's inhibitions are not lessened, they just simply don't care as much about the consequences. It's not the process of understanding that is affected, it's the decision making. What's the difference? Well it's actually pretty big if you think of it on a sober scale. It's not a simple, "I didn't know it was bad," It's an "I don't care if it's bad." and while that may keep the excuse legit, as you would probably care more about the consequences sober, it leaves you much more responsible than if you simply didn't realize what you were doing.

Think about it this way...Drunk driving is bad, I think we can agree to that. However, would you feel different for the guy that said "I never realized what I was doing. I was blacked out and have no recollection and would never decide to do that normally" than a person who said "Ya I knew it was wrong but I did it anyway." Most people, while the first guy is by no means innocent, would find the second response much more deplorable....

So anyways...your brain still processes information when you are drunk, you just apparently don't care as much about whatever could happen.

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