Thursday, September 8, 2011

President's Speech tonight

I don't really want to make a huge commentary on this. I haven't been paying a ton of attention to it and admit that I have no interest in watching...that said, I am interested in what is proposed and what the reaction is, so I'll wait till tomorrow for that whole deal.

This article below is a brief overview of what could be included in the plan, but what caught my eye is a quote from the pres. that is a bit alarming to me. (note: no idea what context this quote is from, just reading the article)

he says, regarding reaction to his proposal:
"We're going to see if we've got some straight shooters in Congress. We're going to see if Congressional Republicans will put country before party"

Now lefty's will say its completely valid, righty's will cry that they have put their own plan forward which the left won't accept...I'm just gonna say WHAT THE FUCK POLITICIANS. Is it really that ridiculous in Washington that you honestly think that there is one way to do things and if people disagree, they are incorrect, corrupt, or bad people?

Again, I don't know the original context of the quote but jeez, apparently disagreeing with the president now means you are in some way working against the American people. That idea is not good, and it's not what we should be projecting onto a country in which each state is suffering large divisions between left and right.

I dunno, maybe it's the general mood of the day, but hearing the President basically say "if you don't vote for my plan, you aren't trying to help America" is pretty disheartening. Where did cooperation, moderation and agreement go? It's not one parties' fault we are where we are, and it's not one party that is going to get us out of this hole. That "my way or the highway" mentality seems to be the new slogan for everyone in government, and now that includes the pres....just not what I want to hear from anyone that is supposed to be trying to bring the country together.;contentBody

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