Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This is News?

So there was an article on jsonline that  is about a dad refusing to let police into his house despite calls that there was underage drinking going on. and that's pretty much the whole story.

First of all...this is news? Like you actually dedicate webspace to this story? Secondly, there is nothing illegal about refusing police entry as long as they don't have a warrant. To anyone ever holding a party, you DO NOT have to let the cops in. In fact, you probably shouldn't even answer the door. I've been to a few parties where they simply left after knocking for a good 20 min...and lastly, I actually applaud the father.

This isn't going to be a rant about how kids should be allowed to drink...there are positives and negatives to that thinking and basically, it's a matter of opinion. However, I do applaud the father. Not for the fact that he is allowing kids to drink but for the fact that he realizes there is no reason to involve the cops in the matter. While it's illegal to drink underage, the consequences in some instances are pretty drastic if you involve authorities. I may be alone here, but I dont think suspending a kid from sports or school, expulsion, a huge fine, or a trip to the police station is really necessary. Nothing says "stay in school and be healthy" like keeping a kid from doing either. If anything, I'd make my kid join a team and make sure he is in school as much as possible working on schoolwork. I got a drinking ticket once and the only thing it made me do was be more clever in not getting caught.

Im not going to defend kid's drinking underage, but you have to realize that most kids will try it at some point. Denying that fact will not stop it from happening, will not help the situation, and will not keep your kids safe. Turning them over to the cops will not make them see your authority, it will not help them trust you, and it will not make them respect you. Its not the end of the world and slapping on a huge punishment will probably make them resent you even more than their little teenage hormoney brains already do. Do what you want parents, but don't expect that a visit from the cops will turn your kids into obedient A+ students, it will probably just piss them off.

story below:

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