Monday, May 23, 2011

Hangover 2 having a tattoo hangover.

So apparently the artist who penned (inked?) the famous face tattoo of Mike Tyson is suing Warner Bros for their use of the tattoo on main character Ed Helms in the anticipated sequel to "The Hangover." Now I'm all for copyrighting artwork and artists not getting screwed but there are a few problems with this suit.

1. He didn't (or doesn't) complain about any public appearance Tyson makes...If he really wanted the recognition and money for the tattoo, wouldn't he have wanted to benefit from all the events Tyson does?

2. Is it even the artists property? Can you own something that is part of another human? Does Walt disney own every tiny ankle tattoo of Minnie mouse on the billion sorority girls walking around Madison?

3. Given the facts above, I doubt he will win the case or that his lawyer believes he will win the case...that said, is the entire point to get a settlement which would keep the film's release from being delayed? A delay would cost Warner Bros. TONS of they think they can just get a few million so it's cheaper and less annoying to Warner Bros? LAME

4. If he does win, couldn't every college sue every person that has ever gotten their alma mater mascot, name or slogan tattooed on them? More so, couldn't they sue the tattoo businesses that gave them? those are the guys making money off the use of a copyrighted image....

and 5. He never made a peep during the first movie. Sure it was his work on the actual guy he gave it too, but it was onscreen for quite a while...inconsistent much?

Anyway, this whole thing is dumb...don't try to get rich qquick by screwing people'll just look like an idiot for the most part.

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