Friday, August 19, 2016

The Accidental Series.

Intentionally or not, since I've returned from my first vacation in years I've managed to amass a collection of same-sized, somewhat-similarly-themed pieces over the last eight weeks.

Dealing largely (and generally) with the juxtaposition of work and leisure, this "series" has come to explore much of the sentiment surrounding discussions taking place in our communities, over the air-waves and across the internet.

Can one truly understand that which one does not experience? Do we want people to understand what they have not experienced? What amount of experience or understanding is enough? Can one ever truly appreciate the perspective one, or someone else, has and what led to it? Can you be concerned with and understand negatives while taking pleasure in the positives? Can you take part in, assist with and improve a situation you don't understand? How, if possible, can those who don't understand join a conversation? And how does one come to the realization that they, in fact, do not actually understand what they are fighting for or against? Do we as individuals want to understand if we actually know what we're talking about? If we are faced with the realization that we are wrong, do we change or find a new way to explain our stance? Are we really interested in understanding each other or rather in other people agreeing with our own viewpoints?

Take a look from start to finish (so far)...

Mixed media on canvas.
Hunting Clams.
Mixed media on canvas.
City Parks.
Mixed media on canvas.
Resting in the Sun.
Mixed media on canvas
The Coup.
Mixed media on canvas.
The White House.
Mixed media on canvas.
The Dream.
Mixed media on canvas.
Mixed media on canvas.

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